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Would you like to join us? 
PRLRC - Prospective Member Info

We invite you to join the Pawcatuck River Labrador Retriever Club if you:


  • Are a Labrador lover

  • Are looking for a community that enjoys their dogs

  • Want to make friends with other Labrador enthusiasts

  • Want to get involved and learn

  • Want opportunities to help with events


We are a group of Labrador enthusiasts from Conneticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts.  We hold Specialty Labrador Shows in the Spring and Fall, Hunt Tests, Educational Events & Community Events.  Fill out our Membership Application.


Full Membership gives you voting rights, but you must have two sponsors, attend meetings and events, as set out in the Club's Constitution and By-Laws.  


Please complete and submit the PRLRC Membership Application below if you would like to become a member.


PRLRC Membership Application
Are you presenly the owner of an AKC-Registered Labrador?
Are you a member of another dog club?
Are you interested in..
Are you willing to work s a member of this clubfor the advancement of the purebred dog, forthe good and interest of the club anmd fpr gppd sportsmentship?
If so, check all below that you are interested in.

I, the undersigned, hereby apply for membership and agree to abide by the CONSTITUTION and BY-LAWS of the Pawcatuck River Labrador Retriever Club, and the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club, now and hereafter made.

In signing this application, you, as a member, agree to abide the rules prescribed by the club’s Code of Ethics, and the Constitution and Bylaws of the Pawcatuck River Labrador Retriever Club.


I have answered all questions fully and truthfully.


Link to PRLRC Constitution & Bylaws, and Code of Ethics: Please read the aforementioned before signing application


Please note: Article 1 Sec. 1 in the club’s bylaws states the club's primary purpose is to be representative of the breeders and exhibitors in its immediate area.


The club offers five categories of membership,

Full, Associate,

Junior Associate (under 18),

Supporting or

Family. Applicants


Full Membership will be approved when the applicant has attended 2 club meetings or participated in 2 club activities and has provided letters of endorsement from two members in good standing.


Applicants for Family membership shall only require two letters of endorsement per family.


A sixty dollar ($40) /Family-fifty ($60) non-refundable application fee per person must be submitted with form and that fee will be applied upon acceptance to applicants first year of membership dues.


All applications are to be filed with the Membership Chair.

Each application is to be read at the first meeting of the club following its receipt provided that the applicant is present at that meeting.


At the next club meeting which the applicant attends (this applies to Full, Associate, Associate Junior, Family), the second reading of the application shall occur.


Supporting member applications require no second reading and the prospective member does not have to attend a meeting for their applications to be acted upon.


For Full, Associate, Associate Junior, Family, and Supporting membership, affirmative votes of 2/3 of the members present and voting by secret ballot at that meeting shall be required to elect the applicant.


Applicants who have been rejected by the club may not reapply within six months of such rejection.


Membership type or category change: Members requesting a change to their membership type; Full, Associate, Associate Junior, Family or Supporting, must submit a petition in writing to the Membership Chair. The petition is to be read at the first meeting of the club, following its receipt. Those petitioning for a change to Full membership must meet the criteria listed under Article II, Section 2. Changes will not be accepted after the September meeting until the next club year that starts November 1st.

A first reading shall be required for an Associate Member to become a Full Member, but voting is not required. Full members that are requesting to be recorded as Associate Members will have their petition read at the first meeting of the club following its receipt and at that time the change will take effect.

Please Note: An introduction of a prospective member may be read at the first meeting they attend but that will not be considered a "first reading" unless both sponsorship letters are included with the application.


As noted above, applicants require two sponsor letters from two members in good standing. If an applicant has no acquaintances within the club, there may be a waiting period until the applicant has had sufficient time to be known within the club. An application will not be presented until the membership chairman has received two letters of sponsorship.


Prospective members are encouraged to also attend club functions. DUES per year $40.00 per person/$60 Family (2). A letter will be sent to all applicants advising them of their membership status.

I am applying for membership as...

Thank You - We will contact you shortly.

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