PRLRC Members Only!
Members in good standing are invited to list their litters. Please complete the Litter Listing Request Form below & submit it with payment. Each litter is to be listed and paid for seperatley. If you have adult Labradors to place they may be grouped in one submission/payment. Listings will be active for up to 2 months (extensions available upon request) - please advise when the puppies are spoken for so the listing can be removed.
Payment for is due for each litter listed. $50.00 each if you have worked at a PRLRC event within the last 12 months, and $75.00 if you have not. Please list the event you worked it, if you are paying $50.00 per litter in the form below.
Litter Listing
Volunteering Member
(list event worked in listing request)
PayPay Payment
+ processing fee $2.00

Litter Listing
non-volunteering member
PayPay Payment
+ processing fee $3.00