About the Pawcatuck River Labrador Retriever Club
The Pawcatuck River Labrador Retriever Club is an American Kennel Club accredited and sanctioned Labrador Retriever specialty club. The club was formed in 1997, with a constitution and by laws adopted by the membership in March 1998. The club holds AKC events including Specialty Shows for Labradors only, and currently, All-Breed Obedience & Rally trials. The PRLRC also holds events approved under the breed’s parent club, the Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. Events held under LRC, Inc. auspices include field tests (WC-Working Certificate), Conformation Certificate evaluations as well as judge and breeder education presentations. In addition to these events, the club sponsors public outreach programs.
One of the more popular public events has been the club’s Labrador Fun Day that promotes responsible dog ownership and provides opportunities to all Labrador lovers to include their dog in the day’s offered activities. The club also appears at the North Stonginton Agricultural Fair every July, to put on a demonstration with member’s dogs.
The members of the Pawcatuck River Labrador Retriever Club represent a wide selection of the Labrador Community in Connecticut, Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts . The Club encourages new people to join the club who have an interest in learning about Labradors , and who would enjoy meeting and training with others in our breed.
The club offers a wide variety of club activities and training sessions including health clinics.
Our members include many experienced breeders of long standing, as well as professional dog trainers, handlers, veterinarians, veterinarian technicians, and AKC licensed judges, all of whom are happy to share their knowledge and expertise.
The Board of the PRLRC encourages all members to become involved in the many activities that the club offers. The club supports mentoring of new people to our wonderful breed and is devoted to promoting the versatile Labrador . Our members participate in many American Kennel Club venues such as Conformation shows, Obedience, Rally trials, Field hunt tests, Agility, Tracking, Therapy Dog work, Search & Rescue and Assistance Dog.
Officers 2023-2024
President - Wendy Ernst, DVM
Vice-President - Claire White-Peterson
Recording Secretary - Rich Willner, DVM
Corresponding Secretary - Lori Riley
Treasurer - Julie Quigley-Smith
Board Member - Donna Kenny
Board Member - Cathy Straub Benedict
Fall Back To Back Specialty: Show Chair: Julie Jussaume, Co-Chair, Julie Kamis
Simply Spring Specialty Show Chairperson
Supported Entry Show Coordinator: Claire White-Peterson
Obedience/Rally Chair: Gayle Abrams Committee: Donna Crompton, Rich Willner, Wendy Ernst
Working Certificate Chair: Julie Jussaume, Assistant: Robin & Tom Hoagland, Wendy Ernst
Membership Chair: Jack Gordon
Newsletter/Editor: Donna Crompton
Website: Cheryl Curtis & Catherine Mason
Sunshine: Julie Quigley Smith
Trophy Committee: Donna Kenny, Kathy Cipriani, Nancy Wolston, Lee Holstein, & Claire White-Peterson
Challenge & Memorial Trophy Award: Chair: Gillian Millsom
Club Achievement Awards: Cathy Straub Benedict
Education & Program Committee: Donna Kenny, Cathy Benedict
Legislative Liaison: Deb Scott (RI) Tony Emilio (CT)
Health News: Wendy Ernst, DVM and Rich Willner, DVM
Judges Education: Dr. Michael Woods, Claire White-Peterson, Cheryl Curtis
Raffle Committee Sue Desrosiers, Isobel McDonald and Caelyn Maria.
Decoratiing Committee: Gillian Millsom and Margot Marston
Product Committee: Julie Jussaume