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PRLRC Club Policies & Guidelines



Board, Point Show Chairs and Committee Members:

Obtain a copy of the Dog Show/Obedience Trial Guidelines from AKC. a copy of the PRLRC membership/mailing list, instructions for requesting the appropriate forms from the AKC, a list of mandatory committees (with job descriptions and assignments) within the Show Committee, advertising suggestions and guidelines.

Some general guidelines;

Board should select a Show chair and Event Co-coordinator if one is used. The Board or Show Chair mayl as select a Trophy Committee members. The Show Chair and President work together to form the other sub-committees for the show if Volunteers for those positions are not already in place or need to be replaced. First steps for Show Chair is to work with Corresponding Secretary on Superintendent contact and AKC Show Applications for Breed, Obedience and Rally segments of the specialty.  Reserve the North Stonington Agricultural Fairgrounds for the show dates. This may be done by the Grounds Chair. The Contact is Robert Miner, Grange Master and also Paul Ames, the Grange Electrician  should be notified of the dates of the club event. Both are members of the N. Stonington Grange. Address of show site 21 Wyassup Road North Stonington, CT 06359.

The Show Chair may Procure written agreements with vendors, photographers and any other persons or organizations providing services or goods for the Specialty or delegate these tasks to another volunteer. The same applies to obtaining a show sponsor if possible. Also a food vendor will need to be obtained to cover exhibitor breakfast and lunch for both days. The club has been using the Stewards Ass. Kurt Anderson is the contact.

All written materials such as fliers, premium lists, and catalogs shall include the PRLRC, logo and/or name upon them. This information will need to be given to the show superintendent.

The Show Chairperson shall take measures to assure and maintain the highest level of integrity and creditability at the show. Committee persons, chief steward, and other key members, who are working on the show event preparations who have physical contact with the judges just prior to the event,  or are entertaining the judges during the event, should be restricted from handling any dog. Any committee member may use a handler for their own dogs shown at the show, if it is contrary to good judgment and ethics.  Consideration should be given to asking experienced people from other breeds and all-breed clubs to steward at the show if members are reluctant or the NE Stewards group (Contact Kurt Anderson to arrange for his group to steward as mentioned above).

The following is a list of traditional or common courtesies that should be considered when hosting judges, guest speakers, AKC officials, and invited guests and dignitaries at the specialty.

An area for parking will be set up on the show grounds for the working Show Volunteers. Workers and handicap parking area is a reserved space. A separate area is also set up for RV parking. A special crating area may be set up for workers who have volunteered to work the day of the show. The area may contain not more then one x-pen per show volunteer worker. Do not leave dogs unattended in an x-pen and curtail excessive barking.

Judges: All of judges should have contracts provided at least a year in advance of their assignments, and prior to the show, should receive the premium list and judging schedule which usually are provided by the show superintendent. Show chair (or Show Co-coordinator) or a Hospitality chair if assigned task by Show Chair,  must provide hotel, dinner etc. information for the judges at least 2 months in advance of their travel for their judging assignment. Room reservations should be made and confirmed by the show committee usually by Show Chair or club Treasurer who traditional makes the hotel reservations. Be sure the rooms are held! Catalogs should be reserved for the judges at the end of their assignment. A Host Hotel may be set up and a block of rooms reserved for the event if one is available. A room may be requested by the show photographer.

Judges: Transportation to and from the show should be confirmed by the Show Chair or Corresponding Secretary, and if need be, help in arranging air transport and to and from airport. An introduction at the Judges Dinners, or  should be considered to introduce judges to each other at the first hosted dinner. All food is provided for the judges during their stay.

• The Show Committee:

Show Chairman & (Show Coordinator if used), President and if possible, the Corresponding Secretary if  volunteering to correspondence for any part of the event, work in tandem to organize the event and judges. All correspondence should be cc to the President.  FYI: Keep the Treasurer and President in the loop on expenditures.

Show Chairman is responsible for the over all organization of the event. Setting up contracts with Show Superintendent, AKC application and judges contact prior to the show and during the event.. Some of these tasks may be shared with the Show CoOrdinator if one is used for an event. The Show Coordinator works closely will all of the sub-committees. This position may also handle the Show Volunteers or that may be set up as a separate position. All three then would work closely together during the process of organizing the show and during the show itself. Initial contact with judges may be through Judges Selection chair to secure a judge for upcoming events or by the Show Chair or Corresponding Secretary. Contracts for the judges then are handled by either the Show Chair or Corresponding Secretary.

Grounds Committee: 

Chair arranges with Grange for the show date, handles the Town Permit, and arranges for Dumpster. The committee: Clean-up equipment should be plentiful and obvious on the grounds and in the hotel/motel living areas. There must be a dedicated cleanup crew that checks daily. Change out trash bags at end of day on Thursday so they are empty for the next mornings show. Dumpster should be reserved prior to the show. Perkins & SonsRubbish Removal has been providing a dumpsters and delivers on the day before the show. Huck Perkins: (860) 625-1633

To safeguard goodwill with the hotel/motel personnel, a cleanup crew should police the areas of the show and the grounds of the motel immediately following the exhibitors’ departure. A written statement of acceptance of the room and grounds conditions should be acquired from the motel management and posted in the show premium and judging schedule . Action must be taken by the club’s show committee against any exhibitor not complying with the club, motel’s rules.

All Club members are expected to lend a hand to either or both- show set up and breakdown as well as help where they can to keep the grounds clean.

Trophy Committee:

Contact members for show class donations. Choose appropriate trophies while keeping to a  reasonable budget. Donations of trophies may be considered. Organize donations by class and inform volunteer working on the premium list of list of trophies to be included in the show premium and catalog. Organize trophies for the days of the show by the ring in which they are to be awarded. They should be given to the Ring Steward with instructions and the list of trophies and classes to which they are to be awarded. Pick up any un-awarded trophies at the end of each day. All trophies are the property of the club and any trophies not awarded are added to the Trophy Inventory. Trophies may or may not be awarded to the same classes in upcoming shows and are awarded to classes at the discretion of the committee. The Memorial Trophy Chair is responsible for having those trophy plaques updated each year with the winners name and date. They will provide the winner with the option to take the trophy home or leave it with the club. A form is given to the winner to sign if they do take it. The trophies must be returned within a reasonable time prior to next year’s show.   Thank you emails shall be sent to all trophy fund donors.

Decorating Committee: Provides decorations for the Breed Rings, Judge Lunch area, a photography area and flowers for bathroom counter and Thursday’s Exhibitor Hospitality table (if Exhibitor Hospitality Committee needs advice). If an after show dinner is scheduled, Decorating Committee could decorate the dining area under the Pavilion. Caution should be used in placing decorations near or at the rings. They should be placed to avoid distractions to the dogs.

Catalog Advertising: Chairman contacts members and also area business to include ads in the show catalog.

Catalog Sales: A Sales Team may be set to include Catalog, Clothing and Raffle or they may be set up as separate sub-committees.


Care and Feeding of Judges:

See Hospitality Tips on the bottom of this page.

Thursday’s Exhibitor Hospitality Committee: A chairman/s will set the Appetizer menu with input from the show committee if necessary. In the past, beverages have been two types of punch.  One with and one without. A budget of $600 has been appropriate for most years for the Exhibitor party.  Ask members to help with setting up the table and laying out the food and also break down and store any left overs. If the Grange Hall is used, this committee makes sure the building is secure and clean after use.

Although a veterinarian may be on call, if the veterinarian’s facility is located more than 30 minutes from the site, consideration should be given to hiring a veterinarian to be on the grounds for the course of the event.

Include a comprehensive order form for show catalogs, banquets, lunches, special programs, etc. in the Premium List.

Show results and critiques. The superintendent should provide show results, which then should be published in the Labrador Quarterly or other appropriate publications. Judges’ critiques should also be included.

Club Awards:

Yearly Club Awards:

A commemorative award presented to club member who has achieved an Accredited title on their dogs during the year.  This is presented at the Holiday Awards Gathering to any member in good standing.

Other Club Awards:

Members Incentive:

Four members per year are selected at the Holiday Awards Gathering. Four names will be drawn from a hat. The number of entries into the hat is determined by the number of events each member has worked/ volunteered. The Membership Chair (or Awards Coordinator) maintains a list of members and the events they have volunteered at during the year. Each event worked will make the member eligible to have their name added to the pot.

Prizes: Member may choose which of the four items that they would prefer. 1 year of a Free membership, 1 Free dinner at the Club’s Award Dinner, 1 free club polo shirt.


The President’s Volunteer Service Award

The President’s Volunteer Service Award recognizes a Pawcatuck River Labrador Retriever Club member who has achieved numerous hours of service over the club’s 12-month calendar year, or cumulative hours over the course of a lifetime. It honors a member who has gone “above and beyond” in volunteer service for the club, and/or encouraged other members to volunteer and support the club, and/or given assistance to the president in club matters.

Criteria and Eligibility

All members from all categories of membership who meet the criteria are eligible for the PRLRC-PVSA.

  • Awards are issued for service hours served within the club’s 12-month calendar year (Oct 31st-Nov 1st), or over the course of a lifetime.  

  • Awards are issued for volunteer service only; additional levels of participation with the organization (i.e., charitable support) are not a factor considered for the award.

  • The award is designed to recognize a special member on a yearly basis or at the presidents discretion. A list of honorees will be posted on the club web site.

Along with the honor of presidential recognition, recipients will receive a personalized   certificate from the club president, and a special gift that commemorates the honor.

 A list of honorees will be posted on the club web sit



Board Members and Business:

Board members are encouraged to attend all meetings and all club events.

The Treasurer is required to deposit all event money/checks within two weeks of an event.

Guidelines for Pawcatuck River LRC Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee on contacting each prospective candidate for Officer and Board positions, will inform the candidates to read and become familiar with both the PRLRC Constitution and By Laws as well as the Club Policies documents on the club web site ( The candidates should also be informed that these club positions require all Officers and Board Members to attend the majority if not all club meetings and club events.

The Nominating Committee should also explain the Policy on Board Member positions and their role within the club.The two board position members as part of their responsibilities, will be to lead the “Program and Education Committee” as Co-Chairpersons.
Program Chairs are to collect ideas from the membership for continuing programs. They are responsible for putting together as many yearly programs as feasible for either just the membership or open up for the general public. Programs should be of interest to the dog fancy on breeding, health etc.Note:The Program Education Chairs may enlist the help of the membership for each event but they are expected to initiate all aspects of the events, to contact with the speakers, set up a facility to hold event and put together publicity for the event as well as set up reservation tables at the event if necessary and any hospitality that might need to be organized.
If a member wishes to help in any of the areas including initiating contact with a speaker, they may do so with the approval of the Education committee or board.

PRLRC Constitution and By Laws- Section Pertaining to Nomination

Article V – The Club Year, Annual Meeting, Elections

Section 1. Club Year. The club’s fiscal year shall begin on the 1st day of November and end on the last day of October. The club’s official year shall begin immediately at the conclusion of the election at the annual meeting and shall continue through the election at the next annual meeting.

Section 2.Annual Meeting. The annual meeting shall be held in the month of October, at which officers and directors for the ensuing year shall be elected by secret ballot from among those nominated in accordance with Section 4 of this Article. They shall take office immediately upon the conclusion of the election and each retiring officer shall turn over to the successor in office all properties and records relating to that office within 30 days after the election.

Section 3.Elections. The nominated candidate receiving the greatest number of votes for each office shall be declared elected. The nominated candidates for other positions on the board who receive the greatest number of votes for such positions shall be declared elected.

Section 4.Nominations. No person maybe a candidate in a club election who has not been nominated. During the month of June the board shall select a Nominating Committee consisting of three members, not more than one of whom may be a member of the board. The Corresponding Secretary shall immediately notify the committee members of their selection. The board shall name a chairman for thecommittee and it shall be such person’s duty to call a committee meeting, which shall be held on or before July 1.

(a)The committee shall nominate one candidate for each office and position on the board and, after securing the consent of each person so nominated, shall immediately report their nominations to the Corresponding Secretary in writing (or electronically) no later than 2 weeks prior to the September meeting.                                                                                    (b)Upon receipt of the Nominating Committee’s report, the Secretary shall before the September meeting, notify each member in writing of the candidates so nominated.

(c) Additional nominations may be made at the September meeting by any member in attendance, provided that the person so nominated does not decline when their name is proposed, and provided further that if the proposed candidate is not in attendance at this meeting, the individual who proposed the member shall present to the Corresponding Secretary a written (or electronic) statement from the proposed candidate signifying willingness to be a candidate. No person may be a candidate for more than one position.

Educational Seminars

The club. shall provide at least one educational program per year to benefit the fancy and the breed. Subject matter will be determined by membership suggestion and/or recommendation An Educational Seminar Coordinators traditional are the two board members. They will be determining the date, site and speaker for the event, as well as providing coordination for speaker accommodations and travel. Fees for the seminar will be determined by the costs incurred for the seminar room, refreshments (usually coffee and soft drinks) and speaker expenses.

Note – Board Members:
Policy on Board Member positions and their role within the club.
The two board position members as part of their responsibilities, will be to lead the “Program and Education Committee” as Co-Chairpersons.
They are to collect ideas from the membership for continuing programs. They are responsible for putting together as many yearly programs as feasible for either just the membership or open up for the general public. Programs should be of interest to the dog fancy on breeding, health etc.
The Program Education Chairs may enlist the help of the membership for each event but they are expected to initiate all aspects of the events, to contact with the speakers, set up a facility to hold event and put together publicity for the event as well as set up reservation tables at the event if necessary and any hospitality that might need to be organized.
If a member wishes to help in any of the areas including initiating contact with a speaker, they may do so with the approval of the committee or board.

Revised 2016

Listing Litters on the club web site.

PRLRC Listing Policy


PRLRC Judges Slate and Judge Selection List/Directory Policy

Prospective Specialty Judges & Supported Entry Judges List/Directory:  The “Judges List/Directory” has been created by the president for use as the club’s own resource with a selection of AKC licensed judge names who may be considered for future shows. This list is deemed as confidential with exceptions. The list is maintained and updated yearly by the President. The list may also be maintained should occasion arise by the Vice President, Show Chair or Secretary. As stated, the list/directory is used as a working document for choosing future judges and setting up judging assignments for either the PRLRC’s specialties, or other dog club’s PRLRC supported entries. Yearly canvasing of membership with suggestions of judges’ names insures that the list is current and up to date. The “Judges List/Directory” is considered proprietary information. It is not to be shared with the general membership or by members with other clubs not affiliated with a supported entry. There are many show giving clubs in the club’s area, and the president has taken the initiative to create and maintain the list for the club’s own use. The club strives to choose competent judges, those who are honest, courteous, and judge only on the merits of the dogs, considering no other factors. In doing so, the club hopes it will continue to maintain it’s reputation by offering exhibitors a dog show of quality and a fun event in which to exhibit.

PRLRC Judges Slate: The Judge’s Slate may not be publicized until the slate or show application is approved by the AKC.  To date, the yearly specialty show slate has been shared with the Show Chair and Show Coordinator (if one is used) as well as Club Officers & Board. Those individuals are required to keep this specialty/show slate confidential until such time as it is deemed proper to announce the slate for general knowledge to the membership and public. cwp 7/18

PRLRC Club Safety Policy


The Pawcatuck River Labrador Retriever Club is an AKC accredited and sanctioned Labrador Retriever specialty club. The club was formed in 1997, with a constitution and by laws adopted by the membership in March 1998. The club holds AKC events including Specialty Shows for Labradors only, and Obedience trials. The PRLRC also holds events approved under the breed’s parent club, the Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. Events held under LRC auspices include field tests, Conformation Certificate evaluations as well as judges and breeders education presentations. In addition to these events, the club sponsors public outreach programs. The most popular public event is the club’s Labrador Fun Day that promotes responsible dog ownership and provides opportunities to all Labrador lovers to include their dog in the day’s offered activities.

The members of the Pawcatuck River Labrador Retriever Club represent a wide selection of the Labrador Community in Southeastern Connecticut, Rhode Island and Eastern Massachusetts . The Club encourages new people to join the club who have an interest in learning about Labradors , and who would enjoy meeting and training with others in our breed.

The club offers a wide variety of club activities and training sessions including health clinics. Our members include many experienced breeders of long standing, as well as professional dog trainers, veterinarians, veterinarian technicians, and AKC licensed judges, all of whom are happy to share their knowledge and expertise.

The Board of the PRLRC encourages all members to become involved in the many activities that the club offers. The club supports mentoring of new people to our wonderful breed and is devoted to promoting the versatile Labrador . Our members participate in many American Kennel Club venues such as Conformation shows, Obedience, Rally trials, Field hunt tests, Agility, Tracking, and Therapy Dog work.


To ensure the Safety Program has been established and maintained in all aspects of the Club.

Total Safety Philosophy

PRLRC is committed to total safety and doing things right. Ultimately, this results in elimination of injuries and optimization of all activities.  Club members should adhere to the guidelines while participating in club activities and training sessions.

Safety Committee

The PRLRC Safety Committee is made up of Club Officers, Board and representatives from the various Committees.

  1. All accidents / incidents involving medical treatment must be reportedimmediately.

  2. Any instances of damage to Club property or equipment must be reported.

Emergency Procedure

The PRLRC will follow the American Kennel Club’s Procedure – Emergency Procedures at Events (Disaster and Emergency Plan Effective Jan. 1, 1999)

  1. Phone numbers of the nearest paramedic, policy, fire department, or ambulance service readily available.

  2. Know and list the location of the nearest telephone and / or CB React Group.

  3. Make arrangements for emergency veterinary care – providing name, location and phone number of a veterinarian who might be on-call during the event.

When the weather is hot please take care and use common sense.  Consider not only the welfare of our canine companions but those working in the field.

  1. Lightening Safety– lightening awareness should be increased with the first flash of lightening or first clap of thunder, no matter how far away. As a minimum, the PRLRC strongly recommends that by the time a flash to bang count of 30 seconds, all individuals should have left the site and reached a safe structure or location.

  2. First Aid Kits at all events.

Gun Safety

GUN SAFETY MUST BE OUR FIRST PRIORITY.  Live gunners must have a Firearm’s ID Card/Valid Hunting License/Hunter Safety Course Card.  Those new to gunning at training sessions will be paired with an experienced gunner so they may learn the ropes.  All Federal and State laws must be obeyed at all times.

Basic Safety Rules:

  1. Assume every gun to be loaded and treat it accordingly.

  2. Control the muzzle – point guns in a safe direction.

  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.

  4. Target – be sure of your target and beyond. Any time you pick up or are handed a firearm you must verify it is unloaded and safe to handle.

Those unfamiliar with handling firearms should let the group leader know and they will be given instructionprior to handling the popper gun, “popper” loads (blank ammunition) and blank starter pistols. Shooting, whether live or blank ammunition is used, shall be approved and designated by the Field Committee.

Only breaking-type shotguns, from 20 gauge to 12 gauge should be used.  All non-adult gunners (those who use popper loads) shall have successfully completed a Hunter/Safety course, and be a minimum of 16 years of age. All live gunning must be by adults, aged 21 or older.

Eye protection and hearing protection required.


Eye and ear protection is required when attending or working at any PRLRC field training session or Event.

Club members that are operating bird throwers are required to wear eye and ear protection while operating equipment.

Club members will be given instruction prior to using any bird throwers.


Additional Helpful Specialty Hospitality Tips:


General Considerations. Hospitality in all its components reflects the overall tenor of the club’s specialty.  Long after people have forgotten how their dog did, their overall impression and final memories are mostly based on things dealing with hospitality. This is the place to concentrate a lot of time, energy and personnel. Don’t skip or skimp on hospitality–not everything you do has to be expensive, but all the little niceties add up.

• Specialty Coordinator: Acts as Hospitality Chair. This person coordinates all the hospitality functions of Specialty, along with the Show Chair and the President. These folks also work closely with the Volunteer Coordinator if one is separate from the Specialty Show Coordinator. 
• On-site Hospitality : This is concerned with the care and feeding of judges, stewards, and other workers at the show site. The Board needs to decide in advance if this individual shall be eligible to exhibit a dog in regular conformation and obedience classes (see guidelines on this subject).

Host Hotel Relations (if a Host Hotel is chosen). The choice and the manner in which the Specialty Headquarters Hotel operates can be very important. Exhibitors will understand rotten weather, and may be philosophical about not winning, but they will neither forgive nor forget poor hotel accommodations and food service. The services of a conference hotel and the attendant food service are not inexpensive, but they will save hours of aggravation and gain rave reviews of appreciation. Remember, the Specialty is not intended to be a fund-raiser; money spent with the hotel and on food service will be repaid a thousand-fold in good will. However, when negotiating a contract, make sure you understand exactly what you will be charged for. This is the time to state your required services since the hotel wants your business. It is also important to have either an attorney or an experienced travel agent review the hotel contract before it is sent to the Secretary for a signature. Clubs have been threatened with lawsuits due to contract provisions they did not understand or review carefully.

• Choosing a hotel. Selection of a Headquarters Hotel should be among the first tasks when making arrangements for facilities. There are many factors to consider in this selection:

a. Location and proximity to the show site.
b. Ability to provide sleeping rooms for approximately 150/200 people.
c. Experience in dealing with large groups who will check in and out simultaneously.
d. Experience in dealing with dog groups. This may not be possible, or previous experience with other dog groups may have been negative. If this is the case and you really wish to use this hotel, you will have to persuade them that PRLRC members are different and better than previous groups.
e. Cost of sleeping rooms. Is it a flat rate or per person rate? Is the rate competitive for your area? Will all rooms be at that rate? What are the beginning and ending dates the rate will apply? Will there be the abilityfor people to transfer rooms from one name to another? If they need to change their plans, will their deposit be refundable? Is the first night only deposit non-refundable? Is there a fee for dogs in the room? Make sure that this type of information is agreed upon and that it is communicated via the web site and the premium list. The day that the hotel is open for reservations is always a frantic one. Review with the hotel staff the type of questions they will be getting and make certain they understand that their phone lines will be bombarded on opening day.

f. Is there a large gathering room? Are there rooms that can be used to house judges or as hospitality rooms.

g. Provision for exercise areas. These can be either a piece of lawn or ground, or an area of the parking lot set up with rented chain link fencing and sod, sawdust or wood shavings. Be careful about what you use here because it will probably be tracked into the hotel. Be sure that the facilities understand the need to have dog pickup containers emptied on a frequent basis.
k. The hotel staff. Most hotel sales people, the people who will take you on a tour of the hotel and will sell you on their facilities, are friendly and easy to talk with. That is what they’re paid to do. You should also ask to meet the people you will be actually working with after you’ve made a commitment to the hotel. These include the food service, housekeeping, grounds, and maintenance staffs. Keep in mind that the sales staff has a high turnover rate; so don’t expect the person you dealt with three years ago to still be in the same job from year to year

• Your responsibility to the hotel. Hotels are in the business of renting rooms and possibility, selling food. To ensure that the hotel also has a pleasant experience with a dog group, be certain that they understand that you will not tolerate any abuse of their rooms, grounds, or property. Stress that PRLRC has an excellent reputation as a considerate dog show group. It is your responsibility to ensure that next year’s hotel will receive a favorable report from yours. In keeping with this goal, here are some suggestions that have proven successful in the past:

a. Provide plastic sheeting free of charge to each exhibitor for each crate in the room. This will protect the carpet, can be purchased inexpensively in large rolls, and can be given out at check-in.
b. Limit the number of crates in each room to four. This means two dogs per person in a double room. If an exhibitor has more dogs than this, they should book another room or have the dogs stay in a vehicle. c. Dogs left unattended in rooms must be crated.

d. Dogs must be on lead in all hallways, elevators, and hotel grounds.
e. If the weather is good, a bathing area can also be set up outside at the hotel and/or the show site.
f. Designate exercise and non-exercise areas. Make sure they are big enough (not a narrow strip along a fence). Provide numerous, heavy- duty, plastic lined trash containers and scoopers. Police the exercise areas and the other grounds once or twice a day. Off-duty hotel employees can often be hired for this– they are usually glad for the extra money.

Labrador Retriever owners have a good reputation for cleaning up after their dogs and wanting to 1eave the property in good condition. It is your responsibility to provide them with the means to do so. If you receive reports that people are not cleaning up after their dogs, send someone out with a video camera.

g. Hotels usually have extra sheets that are too worn for current guest use. Ask if they will provide them to put over bedspreads to keep them unsoiled. They usually welcome this suggestion and are happy to comply. The bedspreads can also be removed and stored prior to check-in.

h. Have the hotel charge each guest a damage deposit to be refunded if no damage is incurred. This serves as a good faith gesture on your part demonstrating how committed you are to protecting their property. Consider forming a committee to inspect rooms before guests are allowed to check out of the hotel. Hold those not conforming to the rules responsible for any damage.

i. Accidents will still happen. Make sure the guests feel comfortable enough to report them and get clean-up help, rather than trying to hide the evidence until it is impossible (or very expensive) to clean up.
j. Make sure that the exhibitors understand that the hotel is part of the show grounds and that hotel abuse can fall under purview of the Show Committee. If you do have such an incident, use the power of the Show Committee to deal with the individual. Both AKC and PRLRC will stand behind you. Print a notice to this effect in the Premium List so that all exhibitors are aware of it.

k. Check daily with the heads of housekeeping, grounds, and maintenance to see if any problems have arisen. In this way you can deal with them immediately and effectively.

• Other hotel assistance. Hotel personnel can be invaluable in handling odd requests such as baby sitters. They deal with these sorts of things all the time, so make use of their knowledge and expertise.

• Room reservations. There is no perfect way to handle this. If there is one issue guaranteed to get people riled up it is hotel reservations. The two methods which have been generally used with varying degrees of success are:

1) As soon as the host hotel is selected people are free to make reservations, and—

2) There is a date before which no reservations will be accepted. There will always be gripes about hotel reservations–it comes with the territory. What you don’t want are a few individuals reserving numerous rooms, only to release them at the last moment. This results in very unhappy exhibitors who were turned away a year before the event, as well as unhappy hotel managers who may be stuck with unsold rooms. In addition to the above, publicize all the hotels on your list as well as the “headquarters” hotel.

• Room Assignments. Individuals will make their own room reservations. However, you will need to make reservations for the judges and any other special guests. Judges can be housed in either the headquarters hotel or at another location.

Many exhibitors will request ground floor rooms. Obviously a hotel has many more non-ground floor rooms. You should have some input with the hotel in how these are given out. Committee members, handicapped status, or other criteria can be determining factors. Remember that ground floor guests are much more visible to the general public than those on other floors, so try to make sure that they set a good example. There have been reports of individuals claiming handicapped status just to get a ground floor room. Unfortunately, you may have to become involved in verifying the necessity of such requests.

• Registration/Check-in. The day before the conformation and obedience competition begins is the day the majority of exhibitors arrive.  A hospitality table could be set up and manned if necessary near the the hotel registration desk– most hotels are used to handling conferences and have a regular place designated for this.  This is also a good place to distribute the plastic sheeting for putting underneath crates and the old sheets for protecting bedspreads.

Many hotels, while allowing dogs in some of the rooms, will not allow dogs in the hotel lobby. Most exhibitors will leave their dogs in their cars in the parking lot while they check in. It is also helpful to have extra assistance available for lugging crates and baggage to the rooms. This will also prevent people from taking inappropriate items such as grooming tables and blow dryers to their rooms; these should be left in their vehicles or taken to the grooming area. The hotel can also provide additional assistance with bellmen and carts; do not forget to tip these individuals.

It is helpful to have a big bulletin board near the registration desk so messages can be left for participants and visitors. Having the names of those registered at the hotel and their room numbers is also helpful. Most hotels will not give out room numbers of their guests, but you can get a printout of those registered to which exhibitors may add their room number if they wish. If a printout is not available, exhibitors can sign their own names. Just make sure that separate pages are provided for each letter of the alphabet for ease of use. Lists of nearby restaurants, auto and RV tow and repair phone numbers, veterinarians on call for each event location and in the vicinity of the Host Hotel (including an after-hours emergency phone number), human medical and dental emergency phone numbers, locations of local pet supply stores, grocery stores, pharmacies, one-hour photo service, and shopping malls. Have a brainstorming session and see what Committee members have wanted available at conferences or other dog shows.

Above all, remain calm, cheerful, and helpful. And get some sleep, because the fun’s just beginning.

Hospitality Room. A hospitality room may be provided at the Headquarters Hotel for exhibitors to meet, greet, and socialize. The room does not have to be open at all hours. Later afternoon to early evening probably would be the best times.

Hospitality Bags for Judges. Hospitality bags have become increasingly popular to the point that they are now an expected item for the judges.  The hospitality bags should be available at the front desk when the judges check in. The bags should be stuffed with whatever goodies you can find.  A very helpful item is a booklet that contains the following sorts of things: event

Maps, schedules for judging,  and social events,hospitality room number if there is one, addresses and phone numbers show chair and hospitality members. 

On-site Hospitality/Concessions. On-site hospitality generally means having food and drink available during the day for exhibitors and spectators. There are a number of options available, but easiest is to have this job commissioned elsewhere. There are a variety of ways to do this. Many indoor sites have kitchen facilities and staff that can be engaged as part of the contract. Indeed, some sites will require that you use their concession facilities. If this is the case, be glad of it.

The second method is to hire an independent concessionaire. These are listed in the yellow pages, or often the show site management can recommend one. Grocery stores are also a good source for catering services. If the site has a kitchen, a group can be hired to do the cooking. Many local clubs do this type of activity to raise money. Dog clubs, senior citizens, scouts, and service clubs have all done this as a fund-raiser. If there is no kitchen at the site, a mobile vendor will have to be engaged. Generally they do not charge the club; their feeis whatever they make. If the site prohibits outside vendors or none can be found, a list of nearby restaurants and fact food places will have to do. The host club should then at least provide water and cups on the show grounds. Include a statement in the premium list as to the availability of food at the grounds.


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