Donations and Payments
Family Membership $60.00 + Processesing Fee
Individual Membership $40.00 + Processesing Fee
Members - please click on the payment buttons
below to pay your annual dues
PRLRC Specialty
Catalog Advertising
Click on the corresponding button to pay with PayPal.
1/4 Page Catalog Ad $20.00 + Processing Fee
1/2 Page Catalog Ad $35.00 + Processing Fee
Full Page Catalog Ad $50.00 + Processing Fee
Donations to PRLRC Specialty Trophy Fund
Click on the corresponding donation button to donate with PayPal.
$25.00 Trophy Donation + processing fee $26.25
$40.00 Trophy Donation + processing fee $42.00
$45.00 Trophy Donation + processing fee $47.25
$50.00 Trophy Donation + processing fee $52.50
$75.00 Trophy Donation + processing fee $78.75
$100.00 Trophy Donation + processing fee $105.00
$125.00 Trophy Donation + processing fee $131.25
$150.00 Trophy Donation + processing fee $157.50
$175.00 Trophy Donation + processing fee $183.75
$200.00 Trophy Donation + processing fee $210.00